This Sunday, our Morning Service is at
10:30am at Kingshill School Pound Lane, BS48 2NP

Bring & Share Lunches - 1st Sunday of each month
12:30pm at The Centre 79 Silver Street, BS48 2DS

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Worship Services

Sunday Mornings

10.30am | Kingshill School, Pound Lane, Nailsea
A celebration - with children & young people’s activities. We aim to be seeker friendly and enable both Christians and seekers to encounter the Lord Jesus as we look at God's Word and by doing so discover how relevant God is to our everyday lives.

Sunday Focus Evenings

5.30pm | The Centre, Silver Street, Nailsea
We aim to enable Christians to express their commitment to the Lord Jesus, by providing focused opportunities for worship, teaching, communion and prayer.


VoE 2021


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