Our Values

Our Values

Passionate Spirituality

We are passionate about Jesus Christ and that vital, energising relationship we have with Him. With God at the centre we work together to grow in spiritual disciplines: prayer, intercession, fasting, worship, exploring God’s Word, expressing what it means to live together as the people of God, and following Christ in the whole of daily life. These things inspire and underpin all we are and do. We seek the empowering, leading and experience of the gifts of the Holy Spirit through our individual and corporate life together.

Meaningful Community

A loving, meaningful community that is welcoming and accepting. A community that expresses forgiveness and grace through words and actions. We look to resolve conflict quickly and in a godly manner. This is what God has called us to ‘be’ and this is where accountability and grace, responsibility and witness, ministry and rest, all happen with others who share our love for Jesus and our commitment to His calling. We intentionally spend time together in worship, prayer, biblical study, ministry, witness and recreation - life together. We value active membership of Growth Groups as a vital means of developing relationships and Christian growth, and to provide opportunities for ministry. We recognise the primacy of inspired worship and prayer, both individually and corporately. We seek to open our hearts and minds to the renewing power of the Holy Spirit, making us more ready to obey His Word and honour Him in all aspects of our daily lives. When we come together as a fellowship we do not vote on everything but seek the mind of Christ through consensus.

Radical Servanthood

Following Jesus Christ who laid down His life in service, we recognise the importance of vulnerability and the necessity of sacrifice and we will seek to reflect the generous life-giving nature of God. God has given everyone many gifts: gifts of time, talent and treasures. The responsible use of our gifts first starts with giving them back to God. We are called to serve in response to God’s guidance and calling, in a way that best fits who God has made us to be, and in areas for which God has given us abilities and passion. We are called to give - so we give regularly and consistently to His work. We are called to use our time well - so we maximise the time God has given us on this earth. We value our unity in Christ and so we work together as fellow servants to fulfil our vision.

Active Ministry

We value every member of the community of God’s people. We hold to the belief and practice of the priesthood of all believers, where every member has the same access to God and is called by Him to serve through His gifting and guiding. We do not start or continue ministries unless we have the leaders to run them. We value innovation, creativity, risk-taking and continuous learning. There is freedom to fail. We value excellence in all areas of ministry, working to please God, not people. We value the ministry and leadership of both men and women. Our model of leadership is Christ, who laid down his life for his people. We entrust leaders with the authority to do what needs to be done and to help prepare God’s people for works of service.

Transformational Living

Jesus commissioned us to be His witnesses locally, nationally and globally. We believe that we must be true to our calling, so we seek to demonstrate in our words and actions God’s transformational forgiving and healing love. We make every effort to connect with those around us, all people for whom Christ died. Our love for them is reflected in our desire to see them experience the amazing love of Christ for themselves. We seek to be salt and light in our community. We value an outward focus in all that we do, and commit a disproportionate amount of our time and resources to reaching people for Christ. We value and encourage the participation of all members in the process of evangelism. We value cultural relevance. We accept people as they are, and urge them to make Jesus their Lord. We value radical living; as those who are now owned by Jesus Christ we are obedient to His commands. We value integrity and Christ-like character. We mean what we say, we say what we mean and we live what we preach.



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